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Post by BlackHawk*K »

well, one thing i use since mw2 days, becuse i used to have such a small place for my PC i didnt have room for mouse movements lol. now wife just keeps plopping stuff on my desk and it builds up and stuff. ( cluttered to high heaven) but since i got used to it i refuse to go back to mouse... and that is a track ball. i use the logitech marble mouse currently.. its realy smooth and so far its been very dependable and havnt nocked anything off my desk with it lol.

i know i know, alot of ppl hate trackballs. my wife did too till she HAD to use mine on my puter and now she uses one on hers and wont go back to mouse...
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

the thing about freelancer is the first ship your given in single is one of the most whimpiest think out there. once you start getting money and upgrading ships they start blowing up pretty well hehe. although then you run into tougher ships! :o
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Freelancer is back

Post by Bronurstomp »

Hey guys, Bronurstomp here. I've just upgraded my computer ect, and while going through all my old CD I found Freelancer and guess what, theres a new server running and it's pretty nice.

For the latest Mod.

Also, I'm running the Windows7 RC. I like it! So far everything except tribes1 plays on it. Oh and speaking of tribes... there's a new Tribes2 server running, and it's free... Look for Tribenext.

Definately old school but still a Blast!

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Post by Falker »

Thanks for your post Brons man! I actually played Freelancer about a year ago bro. Single player of course. One of the last times I played on the net was with you and BH. We had fun that night eh!? I’ll check your links. What is your handle? Maybe I’ll see you there someday and can be your wing man once again.

Best Regards

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Post by daofcmacg »

I had this game and I loved it, I think I will either find it in my collection or spend the what ten bucks for it. I loved this game, and I am trying to get into X3 but it just isn't doing it for me.

Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
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Post by daofcmacg »

I found freelancer!

Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
Death Angel, SGT, 13th MEU
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